Photon Crystal Energy's Perovskite Solar Modules Pass Third-Party IEC61215 Double-Severity Damp-Heat Stability Test.


Certified by the National Photovoltaic Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center (Guangdong), Photon Crystal Energy's perovskite solar modules have recently passed the double-severity damp-heat stability test under the IEC61215-2:2021 standard successfully.

According to the testing standard, after 1000 hours of accelerated aging at 85℃ and 85% humidity, the maximum output power degradation of the module should not exceed 5% of the pre-test value. In this test, Photon Crystal Energy's modules underwent 2000 hours of accelerated aging under these conditions in an independent third-party testing environment. Remarkably, they not only met the standard requirements in key stability indicators but also maintained an efficiency of over 18% without any degradation, undoubtedly demonstrating the stability and reliability of the modules' performance.

Currently, the construction of Photon Crystal Energy's 100MW pilot line is approaching completion, primed to initiate production soon. Production capacity and yield are expected to increase progressively, with shipments anticipated within the year.